Sunday 27 May 2012

Arena 23

Game: Medal of Honour

Author: Shrike

Map name: Arena 23

Technical Name: dm/arena23


Type of map: FFA and TDM

My third MOHAA map. Ideal for FFA and TDM.
An abstract playing field with lots of health and ammo pick-ups.
Special thanks to Kiltron from whom I have borrowed a few textures and shaders.

Copy the PK3 file to your %mohaadir%\main directory.
Tested on MOH:AA and MOH:AA Spearhead.

Delete the PK3 file from your %mohaadir%\main directory.

This map may be freely used/played/distributed.
This map may however not be decompiled, disassembled or otherwise reverse engineered
for whatever purpose without my permission.

Comments/suggestions/remarks are welcome.

Download Link:

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