Title: The Falls
Version: 2.0
Type: Mohaa (Team-) DeathMatch Multiplayer
Date: 20 may 2003
Created by: Col. Polyp & Woodell Bobba
Contact: colpolyp@hotmail.com
Outside DM/TDM map with mountains, houses, a working
cable trolley and many secrets. Great for sniping but also for person-to-person
battling with slightly bigger groups of players. New in this version is the
possibility to play a Team-match. In the previous version it could only be
played as a Free for All game. To spice up the action, another secret tunnel is
How to install:
Copy the "user-thefalls.pk3" file to the Mohaa
"main" folder. The screenshots and this README file may be discarded.
"The Falls" is the first in a series of
DeathMatch maps for Mohaa created by Col. Polyp and Woodell Bobba, both members
of the Netherlands-based FS-clan. (www.fsclan.org)
The idea was to create a map in which the player can
reach high altitudes such as mountain tops and great depths but still be able
to get anywhere within a few seconds. The map had to have a lot of secrets to
enable player to continually surprise each other by turning up in unexpected
Fully tested on Mohaa for Macintosh and Windows operating
systems, as well as on a Linux Mohaa 1.11 game server. The BSP file was created
on a P4-2.4GHz Win98 system. Graphics, scripting and building of the pk3 file
was done on a G4-733Mhz Macintosh OSX system.
Related links:
2.0 Added 14 Axis and 14 Allied spawn points for Team
2.0 Added another secret tunnel.
2.0 Fixed a map bug where players could get behind the
Sir g, where is the download link??