Thursday 31 May 2012

Lagging Fixs

Before you do this make a backup of you hardrive as you should always have a backup.

Lets get to it lagg can be caused by many differant factors
The most common is programs running in the background of your computer.
Even tho the program may not be running at this time some features of a progam
may be running (looking for somthing or waiting idle for input) this takes memory
to do this witch uses your computers memory. The more you can turn off in your Msconfig - Startup  Menu
the better (faster) your comp will play and stop lagg.
Now go to the opperating sys you use below And read on.

 All the programs can be turned off in your startup menu if you are running windows98 as I do on the machine I play on.
To access a win98 startup menu Click on Start -Programs- Accessories-System Tools-Then click on System Infomation
 (if it is not put in win98 disk and install it) When the System Infomation screen pops up go to the toolbar -Click on -Tools-
Scroll down to Configuration Utility When that screen comes up -Click- on the -Create Backup- Box and create one (this will help if you
have any problems later from virus and other misshaps) Now -Click  the General Tab- then check the -Selective Startup Box-and all boxes below that
 but you dont have to check the Load Startup Group Items if you dont want I do.
 Now go back up and -Click- the -Startup Tab- and uncheck all boxs and -Click- -Allpy and Ok- your comp will want to restart so let it.
 Wait till you see how much faster it will startup now.

I run server 2000 myself but if you use Win XP and maybe Vista you -Click- on -Start - Run- in the run box type in MSCONFIG and hit Enter a window will appear
 go to -Startup and uncheck the programs you dont need running, this does not hurt the  programs they are still there but now they will only run when you want then to
and not use any memory while you are tring to play causeing lagg. such program as any messangers ,photo shop Realplay. realtray, yahoo toolbar,C-medea mixers
winzip , any office program or exetention any other programs you might have.
You can also hit -Alt-Ctrl-Del and go to proccess's or programs running and -Right Click the Mohaa Demo and assign it a High Priority but you would have
 to do this every time you play

if you still hve lagg you may have a swapfile errors going on this is caused by the assigned temp space for your game is getting fulll and having to search free spaces to put the info
the less that is on your gaming machines hardrive the better (faster) it will play.

If it still is happening (lagging) you to search the net for a baud monitoring program to see if it is you hard lines shorting or losing velosity thru the cirut to you ips (Internet Serverice Provider)

Look @ me  I host three game severs two on GS and one GR on a home cable internet account and I play on a 450 mhz over clocked to a 866Mhz win98 machine
 with 512mgs of ram and a 32mg video card inwitch the Win98 opperating sys was installed on Dec-28-1998 and have never had to reformat the harddrive and I still have alot of fun
 and play competivly against much bigger and faster computers and video cards
and they all still come out of the wood work to come kill the ^BND^Bow wow wow .

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